Letters from afar

You were out all night

counting stars you simply said

lost track of time

but I don’t mind

as I know you were thinking of me.

Letters from the universe

food for the soul

I thought with a smile

i count stars too

just not all night

don’t have that many fingers and toes

and only the universe knows

what hides behind the sun and moon

unlimited possibilities

infinity and beyond,

one, two , three….but do I count

the ones that fall

or will simple wishes suffice?


thoughts on my letter from the universe this late morning:

Whoohooo!! Stayed up all night counting the stars!! Thanks for indulging me with this later than normal Note:

Please don’t be alarmed, dear , as you walk down the path of life, should you ever find you suddenly don’t have the foggiest idea of how your grandest dreams will one day come to pass.

This is a good thing. A really good thing.

Just keep walking…
The Universe

13 thoughts on “Letters from afar

  1. I hope that is a good card:) I love my letters:) have met an amazing group of people through TUT and a retreat in Key West in January:) awesome 🙂


  2. Three, I see them:) I’ll add them to my toes that are longing to be in the sand on the edge of a beach:) where the stars are magnified in waves:) thanks Kat 🙂


  3. Counting the stars? I bet you do.;) Well, count me in.;) Lovely picture, too. I wish you a starry night tonight, to keep you occupied.;) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....