Edge of solitude

She found me there,

Waiting on the edge of solitude.

The little star, most beautiful of a thousand stars

Shining her light to guide my thoughts

In the direction of everywhere

But within.

She whispered of my dreams,

Some I had not recalled for a million years,

Where I had come from and who I had become,

Who I was yet to become.

All of those secrets hidden in a basket of linens

And yellow paged books in plastic,

Folded and tucked into the trunk of childhood

And the scent remained in each crease,

Memories light on the air like incense,

Tendrils rising higher to carry my mood into

The stars that sat idly by ignored,

Yet gaining intensity as I walked among them

And she smiled at me and laughed

Like a hundred crystal bells ringing

Heralding the morning of awakening,

Giving birth to the moment

I was born once more. 

We became one in the heavens

Before I fell gracefully back down,

And I came to rest on the delicate frond of a tall tree

And the ocean gathered close caressing the roots

That were planted so deep

And it is there I rest at night to sleep,

Amongst the flickering lights I wait

For her to find me waiting

To refresh the next memory lost,

To birth the next star seed.

24 thoughts on “Edge of solitude

  1. Hubs is Catholic….but doesn’t practice…I am shall we say spiritual….I don’t follow a specific denomination per se…..yes the beach is beautiful, and today for day numero dos in a row, in the pool…..loving it. Thanks Brian, peace and love to you and the family. K💜


  2. I looked up both places on the map. West coast? Looks nice. And yes I’ll take the sea anytime…
    I don’t celebrate but my wife is catholic. So… And I’m picking her up at the airport tonite, she spent the week in Colombia with her family, and especially her mother. I guess we’ll do lunch or something tomorrow with our daughters and significant others. Enjoy your new life. B.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, hubs was looking at the weather there this am, decided he does not miss it…me neither….and art show in Placida and checked out Boca Grande….not sure what all the fuss is about…perhaps it is a matter of the have and have nots….I shall take have not anyday….any ocean in green aqua tones is a good ocean….and Cajun food for lunch which was spectacular too. Still exploring of course, but having a grand time….peace Brian, Happy Easter if you celebrate…love, K

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think it’s the Nuyawkers from midtown who call it upstate. Actually anything north of 90th street is probably called “upstate” New York. Visiting will be good. In the spring or summer. You guys have had enough cold… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think they call it upstate but we always knew it as Western New York. I worked right behind Rich Stadium…home of the Buffalo Bills….and a long way away from Manhattan. Lived in Ny for many many years and the only thing I saw of New York City was the airport….ah…such is life….I’m sure I’ll go back to visit from time to time….not in the winter if I can help it though😊❄️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Holland New York….still no accent….and any of he peeps I meet down here I laugh when I consider how rude they can sometimes be….and then I realize that down here is a whole different ballpark. The rude ones tend to be the transplants….even if only on holiday…I’m glad I’m of the patient variety…..😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Some days it seems so far away, but I was born in the water sign of cancer…perhaps that it where it stems from….a July child born near the lake in sad circumstance…now by the ocean by choice….what sign are you of my well travelled friend?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi, I’m writing about every song that ever became a #1 hit, backwards chronologically, in the journey that is the Every Number One blog. I would really appreciate if you took a look around.


  9. Thanks my friend,
    I suppose I could read it to the pups…only kids I have😊 and it’s not about biscuits so I don’t think they’d have much interest😊
    Glad you enjoyed it😊

    Liked by 1 person

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