Where’s the boat?

The things you see. This is in the waterway where boats go through to get out to the jetty. A picnic table in the middle in shallow water…Dude is fishing off of of it and I wonder how they are going to eat their sandwiches out on the sandbar. Perhaps they took a wrong turn for Sea World and are waiting for Shamu to jump out of the water by their ring side seats? (Their beer cooler was back on shore…guess they can use that floaty device to go fetch some as needed) so yeah, the things we see down here never cease to amaze me. (Don’t ask about the pistol on our walk this am…sitting on top of a garbage can….just keep walking and don’t look back ma’am….) Yep, all sorts of interesting things to do and see. I suppose it’s a fun way to have a picnic…Memorial Day weekend….I guess it just might be safer and easier to stay home and bask by the pool.

19 thoughts on “Where’s the boat?

  1. No, I think someone pulled it out there on a night for whatever purpose….when we got there it was empty, but I got sidetracked, go figure…on our way back, it was being used as a fishing boat…or so,etching…all good fun I’m sure…apparently tonight in FL, fireworks,are the way to celebrate a holiday…go figure….I may end the night completely distracted by noise…I don’t see anything, but I can imagine…someones having a grand time, that’s all that important.
    Peace and love my dear friend,

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  2. I love the response to that particular moment: let’s go fishing…! 🙂

    Is there actually a boat in there somewhere? Maybe that’s a tidal spot and they put the table out when the tide was out…

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  3. The human body is made up largely of water and proximity to in seems to yield interesting results, and strange is definitely a relative term. At least it is with my relatives. 😁

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  4. They say occasionally a gator may roam, now it’s mating season so any things possible, they’ve been found knocking on doors lately off the beaten path. I watch every morning as we walk the pups, those and snakes…of which you’re more apt to see….Eeeks……peace and love Elouise💜🐍🐊

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  5. The glories of the south! Great photo. Makes you wonder many things. I wouldn’t rule out an alligator or two being in this waterway. They do roam.
    Have a great day and look sharp! No pistols or gators…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks Sheldon,
    Yesterday turned into yet another whirlwind day. Went to a European style market, artwork, reconditioned and shabby chic things….I may go back today to pick a little something up. Kayaking was such fun and I had forgotten to download this picture, then when I did knew I could do an entire post on it. At least he waved when I took the pic. Got my home writing room back in line, moved my desk in, etc….how are you today? Do they know what the stomach issue is? I hope you are feeling a bit better today, my prayers are overflowing for you. Good morning my friend,
    Peace and blessings,


  7. As long as you enjoy what you do, that’s what’s important😊 my eyes would fall out if I spend too much time online…besides, gotta work on my tan😊 peace and blessings, Kim


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